
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Assessment Training Institute Day 1. Part 1/4.

I'm attending the Assessment Training Institute with my principal and a coleague in PDX here on Thurs. and Fri.

Today was the first day. I'm going to try and get my thoughts down and organized around what I've learned today. But not all in one part because, frankly, it was too much. All good stuff, but so much!

So the opening was from Ken O'Conner and he was relating his fixes to grading problems to the "Keys" to student learning. It was condensed from a larger presentation and I didn't get much new out of it. But his 15 fixes to grading problems are very good to think about and give cause to reconsider what we're doing in the classroom regarding grading and assessment.

From there we had three breakout sessions... here all on Day #1! DOH!

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